Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Azowano ~ Asoji ~ Asohano

Image of San Lazaro associated with Azowano, King of the World Posted by Hello
Azowano is just one of the many names given to Beloved Babaluaye.
He is also called: Agronica, Sagbata, Asoji, Afimaye, depending on his "camino" or incarnation.
He is the Great Orisha of the Araras, the people of Dahomey.
He is the Orisha of sickness and disease.
He is an Orisha that is very miraculous & can help with the cure of many diseases.
Even though he was a king in Dahomey, he is a very humble Orisha.
We are dedicating this site to him in hopes that you will grow to love this Orisha as we do.
Babaluaye's Best Friend
Why is Babaluaye associated with dogs? This is one of the reasons that the Catholic Saint, San Lazaro, was chosen to represent him in his Christianized version. The image of San Lazaro contains dogs, and naturally he was chosen to represent Babaluaye. He was chosen also for the fact also that Lazarus rose from the dead, just as Babaluaye did. When Babaluaye had to leave the kingdom of the Yorubas (which is another story), he consulted Orunla and Orunla told him to take two dogs with him. Ogun and Ochossi gave him the dogs and they accompanied him on his journey through the rain forest. The dogs helped guide him on his journey to the land of the Araras, where he became King. (That, too, is another story). For that reason, it is recommended that when you see beggars on the street, accompanied by dogs that you give them something. It might be Babaluaye in desguise!

King of the World
Azowano is often called the King of the World. One of the reasons for that is that he is associated with the earth element. Legend has it that his mother died while she was carrying him and he was delivered from the mother's tomb. You can't get more associated with earth than that. He is also called, "King of the World" because of his ability to control that element. Due to this ability, he is able to give material blessings. So he is not only adored as an Orisha that is able to cure diseases, but also as one that can give prosperity. His astrological association is with the planet Saturn, and like Saturn, he is a stern taskmaster. Promises to him are NEVER to be broken. Broken promises to him can incur his wrath and that is not pleasant. However, if Babaluaye is treated with respect like the other Orishas, then you have nothing to worry about.

Dweller of the Rain Forest and Swamps
Azowano is known to dwell in the rain forests and swamps. He likes these places because they are places of life but also of decay and putrification. The old leaves dying on the forest floor give nutriments to the other trees and plants. Another, is the cycle of death and rebirth, just as he was buried in death and reborn from the earth. Most always the offerings that are given to Babaluaye are taken to the woods, after having been placed in front of him for the appropriate time. Sometimes, offerings are made to him at the entrance of the cemetery. He is an Orisha strongly connected with Death, due to the history of his birth, coming into the world resurrected from the dead. Babaluaye lives apart from the other Orishas, sometimes outside of the house. He does not like prying eyes to be upon him. His feast day in this part of the world is December 17th. Usually, one awaits him the night before (vispera) and at precisely midnight, his celebration begins. Often certain cleansings are performed at this hour to ensure health for the coming year.


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